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Giving to the Library Tribute Program

Over the past decade, the Library Tribute Program has resulted in over $15,000 of new resources for the Learning Commons at Pickering College.

Commemorate Special Occasions

The program offers families the opportunity to celebrate special occasions, such as birthdays or graduations, by making a donation in honour of their child. Your child will have the opportunity to be the first person to borrow the resource, and afterward, your gift will become a valued part of the Pickering College Learning Commons collection. The book will have a personalized bookplate inside the front cover to honour their birthday or special occasion.

Gift in Gratitude 

Families also choose to show their appreciation for teachers, coaches, family members, or other members of the PC community, through gifts in gratitude. These special donations are a meaningful way to say thank you to the people who have helped shaped a student’s PC experience. When you make a gift in gratitude, we will send a tribute card to the individual letting them know you have supported the Library Tribute Program in their honour. The amount of your donation will not be disclosed.

Student reading a book in the learning commons
Student reading book at learning commons

By making a donation to the Library Tribute Program, you are investing in the ongoing development of collections crucial for our students’ learning, research, and enjoyment of reading. The Learning Commons at Pickering College serves the entire school community. It is an academic resource centre supporting the classroom and individual pursuits of students and teachers. The space facilitates dynamic learning experiences that utilize the best available resources, technologies, strategies and learning environments. Your donation ensures our physical and virtual collections meet the evolving needs of our Junior, Middle, and Senior School students.

If you would like to learn more about the Library Tribute Program or how your donations make a difference for the Learning Commons, please contact to be put in touch with the PCA Library Tribute Program Chair, Kirsten Nicolson.

Give Now to Support the Learning Commons

*PC Student Account must be in good standing or in a credit position.