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Pillars Magazine - Spring 2024
The Pillars

In this issue of The Pillars magazine, you will read about many examples of Pickering people who are living by our guiding values -- compassion, community, integrity, respect and responsibility. You will also read about the outstanding accomplishments of our students, faculty and alumni. Pillars archive

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Thank you to our Donors report
Thank You To Our Donors

Every year, our generous donors help to grow programs and to care for our facilities, benefiting students today and tomorrow. You will see in Thank You To Our Donors stories of current and past parents, recent and long-time alumni, past and current staff who care deeply about supporting Pickering College and its students.

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Report Card annual report
Report Card

As you read the Report Card, you will see highlights of what was accomplished last year and see that there is much that we have to be proud of as a school and as a community. We are an ambitious school, keen to build on our successes and committed to a values-based, Quaker-founded educational approach that equips our students for the world that awaits.

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Creativity & Innovation newsletter
Creativity & Innovation

In the Creativity & Innovation newsletter, you will find examples of exciting projects students are working on in the classroom, enriching activities happening outside the classroom, professional development teachers are engaged in and other innovative developments in Pickering College education.

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Region Inquiry Brochure
Reggio Inquiry

In our Junior Kindergarten to Grade 2 classrooms, we have begun to enrich, in depth and breadth, our Pickering College roots, programs and teaching with a Reggio Inquiry Approach.

Reggio is an innovative and inspiring approach which values the child as capable, competent, creative, confident, resilient, and full of potential.

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Joshua Weinzweig Review of Writing
Joshua Weinzweig Review of Writing

Thanks to the vision and generous support of Daniel Weinzweig, young creative writers at Pickering College have produced a history of success. The nationally-recognized Joshua Weinzweig Creative Writing Program provides young writers with systemic opportunity to develop their craft, resource and program support, and effective mentoring and recognition for their efforts. Each year, student work is published in the PC Review of Writing.

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Featured Videos

Here is a snapshot of life at Pickering College. To view more, visit our channel on YouTube.

PC's CRTC-licensed radio station, 102.7 CHOP FM